About Us

Hi, fellow and future composter!

Good Humus is just a family of composters, tryin' to spread the word about the benefits of composting. Composting not only saves us money, but it provides us with fresh clean humus and mulch for our little garden. Big gardens can benefit from composting too - even farms. We compost our kitchen scraps and yard waste and sure would appreciate it if you did too

We started this website to help educate and share info with others about the need for us all to do our part, however small, to reduce the amount of waste going into our landfills worldwide. Did you know that over 40% of American landfills are actually food waste? Imagine if everyone composted!

We'll share how to do it all on this website, but Composting, simply stated, is collecting your home, yard, farm and/or garden organic (dead plants, food scraps, grass clippings, etc. - not metals, plastic, glass, etc.) waste into a confined area or container in your yard to help it decompose - so you can use it -faster than if you left it undisturbed in a pile, for a long time, the way it works in nature. Our blog details how easy it is!

We're just tryin to help spread the word about composting with this site. We saw another site that prints slogans on shirts so we ordered some for ourselves. Send us your slogan suggestions! How about "Composting Nut" or "Composter Inside" ? 

Unlike our composting practice, our site is just getting under way so we have only the clothes to offer (Our Good Humus garment slogans are customizable. Write your own when you order). Anyway, we'll always provide free information, and news. Yes, there is news in the composting world. Subscribe to get updates. We do not share any subscriber info - with anyone

We'll also be offering composting tools and equipment, as soon as possible

So, the Mr. and I had a wild bird store from 2007 through 2012. We thought we could outrun the Recession, but it finally caught up with us

We tried ecommerce in 2014, but not being the sharks you see on TV we picked the wrong products - by then everyone and his brother were selling wild bird products, all competing with the 400 lb gorilla of ecom at the time. That gorilla is now 800 lbs, and gettin' bigger!

But, he don't do what we do, compost. In fact, not many folks do, which is, again, why we're back online, and ready to help you get started, or just share stories and info, if you're already an "old pro" at it 

Follow our blog; we want your feedback

Share our URL, help spread our story: composting helps the planet 

Happy vegetables!

- Carolyn

PS Send us slogans for our shirts!